
呼 吸 过 速的英文

  • hyperventilation
  • :    breathe out; exhale
  • :    inhale; breathe in; draw
  • :    cross; pass
  • :    fast; rapid; quick; speedy
  • :    Ⅰ动词1.(生物体把体内的气体排出体外) breathe out; exhale 呼出二氧化碳 exhale carbon dioxide; 呼出一口气 exhale a breath2.(大声喊) shout; cry out 大声疾呼 shout [cry] at the top of one's voice; cry in the highest pitch of the voice (so as to draw the attention of others); 伪军高呼饶命。 the puppet soldier cried for mercy.3.(叫; 叫人来) call 一呼百应 hundreds respond to a single call; 直呼其名 address sb. disrespectfully (by name)Ⅱ象声词(多形容风声) 北风呼呼地吹。 a north wind is whistling.Ⅲ名词(姓氏) a surname 呼善 hu shan
  • :    Ⅰ形容词(迅速; 快) fast; rapid; quick; speedy 速读 fast [speed] reading; 收效甚速 produce quick results; have a speedy effect; 请速回信。 please reply as soon as possible. 速去速回。 go and return quickly.Ⅱ名词1.(速度) speed; velocity 风速 wind speed [velocity]; 光[音] 速 velocity of light [sound]2.(姓氏) a surname 速希觉 su xijueⅢ动词[书面语] (邀请) invite 不速之客 uninvited guest; gate-crasher
  • :    动词1.(把液体、气体等引入体内) inhale; breathe in; draw 把空气吸到肺里 draw air into the lungs; 深深吸一口气 draw a deep breath; 吸进新鲜空气 inhale fresh air; 他用麦杆吸冰淇淋汽水。he sucked icecream-soda through a straw. 漩涡把小船吸进去了。 the whirlpool sucked down the boat.2.(吸收) absorb; suck up 用粉笔把墨水吸干 blot ink with a piece of chalk; 海绵吸水。 a sponge absorbs water.3.(吸引) attract; draw to oneself 磁石吸铁。 a magnet attracts iron. 异极相吸。 unlike poles attract
  • :    过Ⅰ动词[口语] (超越) go beyond the limit; undue; excessiveⅡ名词(姓氏) a surname 过旭 guo xu
  • 速, 快速:    tacho-
  • (钢铁)吸:    contract
  • 吸, 抽:    suck at
  • 吸,吸收:    suck
  • 自动回叫(呼):    automatic call back
  • 过;超:    hyper
  • 风(速)突变线:    surge line
  • 浆(料流)速:    stock velocity
  • 快捷(速)键:    shortcut key
  • 敏 捷 速 灵:    quick
  • 五十铃5速:    navi 5 new advanced vehicle with intelligence
  • 夙 速 宿:    su
  • 动用,利用,吸:    draw on
  • 解(除)吸(附):    desorb
  • 泡;吸;湿透:    sop
  • 吸(烟)用烟草:    smoking tobacco
  • 吸(抽)气阀:    a irating valves; aspirating ales; aspirating valves
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        :    breathe out; exhale
        :    inhale; breathe in; draw
        :    cross; pass
        :    fast; rapid; quick; speedy
        :    Ⅰ动词1.(生物体把体内的气体排出体外) breathe out; exhale 呼出二氧化碳 exhale carbon dioxide; 呼出一口气 exhale a breath2.(大声喊) shout; cry out 大声疾呼 shout [cry] at the top of one's voice; cry in the highest pitch of the voice (so as to draw the attention of others); 伪军高呼饶命。 the puppet soldier cried for mercy.3.(叫; 叫人来) call 一呼百应 hundreds respond to a single call; 直呼其名 address sb. disrespectfully (by name)Ⅱ象声词(多形容风声) 北风呼呼地吹。 a north wind is whistling.Ⅲ名词(姓氏) a surname 呼善 hu shan
        :    Ⅰ形容词(迅速; 快) fast; rapid; quick; speedy 速读 fast [speed] reading; 收效甚速 produce quick results; have a speedy effect; 请速回信。 please reply as soon as possible. 速去速回。 go and return quickly.Ⅱ名词1.(速度) speed; velocity 风速 wind speed [velocity]; 光[音] 速 velocity of light [sound]2.(姓氏) a surname 速希觉 su xijueⅢ动词[书面语] (邀请) invite 不速之客 uninvited guest; gate-crasher
        :    动词1.(把液体、气体等引入体内) inhale; breathe in; draw 把空气吸到肺里 draw air into the lungs; 深深吸一口气 draw a deep breath; 吸进新鲜空气 inhale fresh air; 他用麦杆吸冰淇淋汽水。he sucked icecream-soda through a straw. 漩涡把小船吸进去了。 the whirlpool sucked down the boat.2.(吸收) absorb; suck up 用粉笔把墨水吸干 blot ink with a piece of chalk; 海绵吸水。 a sponge absorbs water.3.(吸引) attract; draw to oneself 磁石吸铁。 a magnet attracts iron. 异极相吸。 unlike poles attract
        :    过Ⅰ动词[口语] (超越) go beyond the limit; undue; excessiveⅡ名词(姓氏) a surname 过旭 guo xu
        速, 快速:    tacho-
        (钢铁)吸:    contract
        吸, 抽:    suck at
        吸,吸收:    suck
        自动回叫(呼):    automatic call back
        过;超:    hyper
        风(速)突变线:    surge line
        浆(料流)速:    stock velocity
        快捷(速)键:    shortcut key
        敏 捷 速 灵:    quick
        五十铃5速:    navi 5 new advanced vehicle with intelligence
        夙 速 宿:    su
        动用,利用,吸:    draw on
        解(除)吸(附):    desorb
        泡;吸;湿透:    sop
        吸(烟)用烟草:    smoking tobacco
        吸(抽)气阀:    a irating valves; aspirating ales; aspirating valves


  1. "后鳍鲷科"英文
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  10. "呼比嘟比蹦蹦舞"英文


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